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yellow oncoming traffic sign and lights

safety is of the utmost importance with conducting traffic engineering.

since 1993, snyder & associates has provided on-call traffic and safety engineering services to the iowa dot and local agencies throughout iowa through the traffic engineering assistance program (teap). more than 140 traffic engineering studies have been completed including intersection, interchange, corridor, traffic signal, school route, trail, truck route, and railroad studies. these studies included data collection, field review, traffic and safety analyses, development of recommended improvements, cost opinions, benefit/cost analysis, identification of possible funding sources, and report preparation. study elements included coordination with cities and counties, crash history analysis, traffic operations analysis, review of signing and pavement markings, review of traffic and pedestrian patterns, and concept design. additional miscellaneous engineering review tasks were also performed for the iowa dot office of traffic and safety. studies focused on low-cost solutions and resulted in numerous successfully completed projects that improve traffic operations and safety. study reports were often used to support state funding assistance for projects.